We want to inspire leaders and the humanity an awareness of true leadership, a conscious
expansion on the planet. A leadership oriented to people, to well-being, but that starts from deep self-knowledge and collective awareness.
A transformation of the way we see the world, limited by our beliefs, interpretations, habits,
and experiences. In a more free world, more open to the participation off all without boundaries, and more connected to the essence of each one. A Human Equality agenda.
Our mission is to lead worldwide experiences, a major movement and agenda that are true vehicles of inspiration for the transformation and conscious expansion of the human being, leaders and organizations. We will promote reconciliation and peace on the planet, from a conscious perspective, inclusive and open to reach humanity.
In our society, especially in the last 150 years, we have witnessed a profound technological transformation and a change in the quality of life in all areas of the human being and they have erupted as a tsunami in our lifetime. But this evolution was not followed by an evolution of our consciousness. In some circumstances we suffer from a deep paralysis and humanity must awaken.
Today, we find so much pain in societies, divisions, a pain caused by fear to fail to achieve the promises that we made to ourselves, the fear of losing what we have, the fear of being abandoned on a planet that seems to ignore the common suffering, and most importantly, this has led us into paths that have contributed to the destruction of the planet and the contamination of natural resources, to the wars for power and for the religious truth, the collapse of human rights, among so many others realities.

HumanityE is the Conscious Leadership Global Movement, a collaborative platform, a movement that is a great community in which each one brings new solutions, ideas, open to research, experiences to the same platform and thus, progress in one direction, a Conscious Leadership Platform & Hub, that inspire other hub's. We call it "The Davos of Consciousness" because it's the place of gathering of different platforms, movements and communities on responsable and Conscious Leadership. Conscious Leadership Global Movement is created to spark an inward look and inspires leaders, people with new challenges, a new way of being and life, serving others and the planet. The movement opens up new solutions, innovative research so that leaders become more aware of how they are leading their projects.
Create the largest worldwide Conscious Leadership movement. A movement that will include as many as possible other movements, organizations, individuals that are moving in a conscious direction. This global “showcase” will inspire others through a leadership oriented to people, well-being, self-awareness and conscious expansion of the leaders of the organizations and therefore a reconciliation of humanity.
It is about creating a network of leaders around the world who are truly committed to the
development of leadership based on the rise of consciousness and freedom of being. It will be a space for the gathering of these organizations, individuals and civil society that is really committed with this inner moment.

The world has changed, people are evolving, and leaders need to do the same. Conscious leadership starts when we realize that we can break from the passive world into the active one.


I'm the co-founder of HumanityE, which is an inclusive and collaborative global movement based on the "Conscious Leadership" perspective that aims to inspire leaders and humanity to an awareness of true leadership and a conscious expansion on the planet. I’m also working on building the first "Conscious Territory" in Portugal as a global lab in a Portuguese interior municipality.
In 2018, I launched a book "12 Steps to be a Conscious Leader" (Spanish version: 12 pasos para ser lider consciente), that brings some fresh and new propositions to a transformation on leadership.
I have lived for more than 20 years in countries like Mexico, the United States, Spain, France, Colombia and Portugal, working with individuals and organizations in technology, sustainability and social projects.
In the last 10-15 years, I began a journey of introspection and self-awareness, through eastern philosophies and schools, masters, gurus and therapies of various orientations. Since then, I have started a journey as a “researcher of myself” and consciousness.
I'm doing seminars, workshops and retreats worldwide, especially in Latin America and Europe focusing on conscious leadership, corporate mindfulness and meditation and all aspects of research related to consciousness and organizations.
Pedro's services provide as corporate mentor :
- Conscious Leadership board advisor
- Conscious Leadership training for board & C-Levels
- Mindfulness training
- Corporate Mindfulness Meditation
- Conscious Reconciliation and Compassion